Whitewater Grocery Co. Timeline

The path to opening our doors is fluid. We can be on pace one week and take a step back another week. What we know for certainty, is that it takes roughly 7-10yrs to open a grocery co-op and we're on year 5. We're right on track! With your support, ownership, likes and shares, we can hit our milestones quickly and efficiently. Let's take matters into our own hands to nourish our community! Volunteer or own with us!

Want to help us open our store as soon as possible? Reach out to volunteer with whatever skills/talents you may be able to offer the project!

Where Are We Now?

**The following ownership milestones and tasks associated with them are general guidelines to help us along the way, but our community may do things slower or more quickly than the standard.**

100 Owners - Organizing Stage 1. Launch first Ownership campaign and begin recruiting volunteers for task groups. Hold first annual meeting and establish a Board of Directors as well as our Bylaws. Commence contract negotiations for professional and consulting services. Achieved May 8, 2017!

300 to 650 Owners
- Feasibility Stage 2A. Establish a feasibility task group to begin looking at site options and financial feasibility. Conduct a co-op specific market study and develop a business plan. Show financial and market feasibility. Achieved October 14, 2018!

650 to 779 Owners 
- Feasibility Stage 2B (Planning). Begin site analysis, finalize the business plan, research our needs and options for the capital campaign to fund our project. 650 Achieved July 16, 2020! 

Stage 2B has 3 milestones:
Reach 780 Owners. Prep for the Capital Campaign. Secure a site. 780 Owners Achieved August 10, 2021!

Learn about each 2B milestone in this series of videos by former Board President, Lacey Reichwald:

At 780 Owners - Secure Site and Prep Capital Campaign. The Board can sign a lease once we reach 780 Owners. 780 Owners demonstrates sufficient support and provides the necessary capital to move forward with confidence into our Capital Campaign.

780-1040 Owners - Pre Construction Stage 3A

Capital Campaign. The Capital Campaign will raise the funds necessary to convert our site into a full-service grocery store. We will rely on a mix of bank loans, non-traditional financing, and Owner loans to fully fund start-up expenses. The most significant chunk of our revenue will be Owner loans, at about 50%. Owner loans are a fundamental method of funding for modern food co-ops. Traditional lenders require 50% Owner funding before making their loan available.

GM Search. The Board will begin a national search for a General Manager. The General Manager will be involved in key operational decisions and oversee store operations.

Secure Build-Out Contractors and Vendors. Receive bids and select our construction partners, vendors, and product mix. 

1040-1300 OwnersConstruction Stage 3B.  Hire our GM and build our store!


Read more in-depth detail of our progress toward these goals here!